Monday, November 3, 2014

Exciting Announcements and More Birding!

We arrived in the bay area just before Halloween and with enough time to create some bird costumes for ourselves. We took a few days off from teaching and have been getting ready for a full week of workshops in the bay! Just yesterday, we led an open sunset bird walk in Tilden Regional Park for the Berkeley community which included some Berkeley grad students and alumni.

Female Black-Crowned Night Heron
Male Black-Crowned Night Heron

We got some great looks at the Black-Crowned Night Herons and were able to see the differences between the male and female birds. They stood completely still for all of the time that our attention spans could take and allowed us to get quite close for some good photos.

Kevin talking about the lengthy Mallard mating season
and the identification differences between duck species 

Sunset on Lake Anza

Checking out the beautiful Bufflehead ducks! Check them out here!

The Night Heron perched over a mixed flock of American Coots, Mallards,  Pied-Billed Grebes,
Common Mergansers, and Buffleheads

Sasha getting good looks at the Night Heron

In other news, we have been waiting for weeks to be able to make this announcement and now, we are official! Just as we began our project, we applied for a grant through an incredible organization called The Pollination Project. This organization gives thousands of dollars to budding social change organizations and projects (such as ours) in order to help folks make real change happen. The Pollination Project just made their official announcement about our grant. 

They are funding some of the most inspiring and creative projects we have ever seen so be sure to check out heir whole website and learn about all of the amazing things that people are doing all around the world!

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