We arrived at the Leggett Valley School and met with the ENTIRE school in their gymnasium. Granted, the whole school (preschool-12th grade) was only about 50 students, but they were one very excited flock when we arrived. Kevin began by teaching everyone about the dawn chorus--that time in the early morning when the birds are most active and chatty--and about the various voices of different birds in the area. It got everyone's ears keyed into listening to birds.
A quick video of the Leggett Valley School dawn chorus...
We then split the school into two groups. The young ones went with Kevin and the middle and high schoolers went off with Darrow. We talked about bird observation, binoculars, and recording observations in the field, and then we headed out onto their beautiful campus for an extended bird walk.
Watching a flock of feeding Dark-eyed Juncos |
The older students worked on identification, bird behavior, and field recording. The younger students worked on sound recognition, identification, and bird drawing. Great times were had by all and we were quickly asked to come back next year!
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Identifying a Belted Kingfisher in the field! |
Showing off their drawings of birds they saw on their walk (American Robin, Stellar's Jays, and a Great Blue Heron!) |
Our Quote of the Day:
"Hey Kevin. Before this, I used to think birds were lame, but now I think they're AWESOME!"
-Seth (4th Grade)
Species list from our walk: Dark-eyed Junco, White-Crowned Sparrow, Golden-Crowned Sparrow, Black Phoebe, Anna's Hummingbird, Wrentit, Great Blue Heron, Acorn Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Mallard, Belted Kingfisher, Turkey, Brewer's Blackbird, Red-shouldered Hawk, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Stellar's Jay, American Robin.
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